10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (2024)

Kicking off 2020 with some Travel inspo.

2019 is officially over.. along with the decade. And, like everyone else with access to the internet, I’ve been reflecting on what the past 12 months has looked like. There were highs and lows, as always. But the things that stands out the most, to no surprise, is the amount of travelling I did in 2019.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (1)

This year, I visited 4 continents, 12 different countries (including Hungary 7 times!), 26 cities. I took 42 flights, 8 trains, a hot air balloon, a helicopter and a handful of boats and buses in there too.

While Greta Thunberg and I probably couldn’t be friends (and I should probably start thinking about how to travel more sustainably), it’s been an incredible year.

I’m so grateful for the ability and privilege that I have that affords me the opportunities to travel as often as I do (For 50 ways I Can Afford to Travel the World, click here.)

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (2)

Here’s a list of the places I visited in 2019, with some links for more travel inspo and information about each:

  • Hamburg
  • Budapest
  • Stockholm
  • Madrid
  • Marrakech
  • Tangier
  • Asilah
  • Chefchaouen
  • Szentendre
  • London
  • Singapore
  • Ubud
  • Canggu
  • Paris
  • Barcelona
  • Athens
  • Tours
  • Berlin
  • Prague
  • Rio De Janiero
  • Ilha Grande
  • Paraty
  • Foz do Iguacu (Brazil)
  • Iguazu Falls (Argentina)
  • Sao Paulo

It’s hard to boil down this many adventures into a Top 10. But I’ve given it my best shot. There have been some phenomenal moments and I wanted to share and celebrate those.

Travel also isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, and it’s important to remember that most people are posting a “highlights reel”, not an accurate year in review. So to keep that in mind, I’ve also written a Lowest 10 Travel Moments of 2019. Check that one out for some travel reality.

But here & now, I’m celebrating my 10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019.

1. Seeing Rio From The Sky

This was my top travel moment of the year. And arguably ever.

While in Rio, we decided to splash out and experience a helicopter ride. I’ve always wanted to try it, and what better place to do it than one of the most beautiful skylines I’ve ever seen?!

We originally booked the helicopter ride because Vertical Rio offer doors-off flights (as it sounds on the tin, it’s a helicopter without the doors). However only a few days before our trip, we learned that new regulations meant that we needed to ride with the doors on.

I am so glad we didn’t cancel and take the refund. Doors or not, it was the most spectacular thing I’ve ever seen.

We flew over Barra De Tijuca, Copacabana, and Ipanema, before getting the most stunning perspective of Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain that I could’ve hoped for.

  • 10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (3)
  • 10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (4)
  • 10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (5)

2. Getting PADI Qualified

Learning to dive has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. (Well, specifically 2015, when I went to Thailand and saw all the amazing tours Icouldn’tdo because I didn’t have my PADI).

The course lasted 3 days (1 in the ‘classroom’ and 2 in the water) and it was challenging. The course required a large amount of reading and prep ahead of the trip. And going that deep under the sea is a bit scary! But it was also a phenomenal and surreal experience.

I’m so proud of myself for taking the plunge (pun intended) and getting qualified. I’ve already booked on my first diving trip of 2020 and I can’t wait to start exploring the 70% of our planet covered by water (well, down 18m for now anyway).

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (6)

3. The First Disneyland Pride

In 2019, for the first time, Disneyland® Paris made Magical Pride an official signature event on their calendar and I went along. It was, unsurprisingly, the most MAGICAL pride I have ever attended.

What could be more wholesome than a combination of Disney Magic and the euphoria of Pride?

The park opened for exclusive access from 8pm to Midnight for Pride-goers. And it featured a Disney Pride Parade, fireworks, character meet-ups, makeovers, lip sync battles and rainbow coloured bars.

And the best part – no lines! Disney operated the majority of the rides in the Walt Disney Studios Park. This included the massive indoor roller coaster, Aerosmith, the iconic Hollywood Tower Of Terror, the surprisingly speedy Splash’s Coaster and some smaller favourites like the Magic Carpet and the Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop.

I’ve definitely got Disneyland Pride 2020 on my to-do list for this year!

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (7)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (8)

4. Touching A Natural Wonder Of The World

How many times in your life do you get the chance to touch a natural wonder of the world? While visiting Iguazu Falls in Argentina I took a boat ride right into the Falls themselves.

We had around 10 minutes or so of driving up the river, often passing rapids or getting splashed on either side by the raging water. But nothing could prepare us for theabsolute drenchingthat was coming our way.

After stopping for some incredible photo opportunities, we all re-took our seats for the grand finale. The boat went straight into the waterfall, and we were drenched by a tsunami of water.

No words can describe how incredible and surreal it felt to be inside a waterfall. And I’m not talking about those pretty little streams that people pose beside for the ‘gram. I’m talking about millions of litres of water cascading off rocks and into the boat. The adrenaline rush was unbeatable.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (9)

5. Flying In A Hot Air Balloon

This was quite possibly one of the best birthday surprises I’ve ever received. After arriving in Marrakesh without much of a plan, Kirsten told me that she had arranged for us to take a sunrise Hot Air Balloon tour the following morning.

The experience was unreal. I have always wanted to try out a hot air balloon, but it wasn’t until we started to lift of the ground, did I fully process that I was flying in a basket powered by fire.
I know that’s exactly what a hot air balloon is. But it didn’t quite click until I was mid-air and past the point of no return.

That being said, I have 0 regrets. It was by far one of the greatest experiences of my year, if not my life. (I know I said the same of the helicopter in Rio.. but honestly they were equally incredible).

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (10)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (11)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (12)

6. Revisiting My Favourite Staycation Spot

Perhaps this one is cheating, because it is neither travel, nor a new experience. But a highlight of 2019 was returning to my all time favourite Airbnb in Dolphinton, Scotland.

It’s a converted shipping container and a little slice of perfection in the middle of nowhere. It has always been my goal to convert a shipping container, so finding this gem was the perfect solution for an Edinburgh staycation.

The Scottish Borders are peaceful, with no busy roads and very few other people or houses in sight. The neighbours are the local horses andthe only traffic jams come from the occasional tractor.

For anyone living in or visiting Edinburgh looking to escape the city, I cannot recommendThe Wee Sanctuaryenough for the ultimate weekend escape or Edinburgh Staycation.

This was our 3rd visit and this time we spiced it up a little with a day out at Go Ape. 10/10 recommend for kids and adults.

In case you need that extra nudge: sign up to AirbnbHEREand get£25 ($32) OFF YOUR FIRST BOOKING.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (13)

7. Attending Pride In 4 Countries.

It’s no secret that I LOVE Pride month and attending Pride marches. If it was up to me, Pride Month would be all year round (although for me, it kind of is).

This year, I stepped it up and attended Pride in 4 different countries (Scotland, France, Hungary and Spain). Each was incredibly different and it was eye opening to see how Pride manifests itself in different locations.

I was super honoured to be able to experience it in different places across Europe and I hope that I can expand my reach even further in this coming year (I’m thinking global…)

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (14)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (15)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (16)
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (17)

8. Getting My First Hotel Collaboration

This one is a combination of a “top travel” & “top blogging” moment of 2019. In February, I secured my first ever hotel collab and stayed for free in Stockholm in exchange for promoting Hobo Hotel as an LGBT friendly accommodation.

LGBT Travellers face many unique challenges, and my aim with The Jenna Way is to raise awareness of these, provide some travel inspo and promote places and businesses that are welcoming to LGBT travellers.

While I certainly didn’t start a blog to blag free hotels ( 2+ years work for 2 nights in a hotel isn’t the best business model), it was a fun milestone to reach. I feel super proud of my little blog and how far it’s come, and this was a great way to celebrate that.

Oh, and Stockholm was a ton of fun too.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (18)

9. Renting A Water Bike In Barcelona

While this may feel simple in comparison to Wonders of the World and Helicopter rides, renting a water bike and cycling across the sea in Barcelona stands out as a highlight when I reflect on 2019.

In the Port Olimpic harbour area and atClub Natació Atlètic-Barceloneta, there are a variety of water sports tents where are you can sign up to banana boating, flyfish boating, speedboat rides and everything in between.

We tried a water bike and the fly fishing. It was utter bliss to take one between two of us, and switch between peddling across the sea and lying on the front sunbathing while your partner does the work.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (19)

10. Exploring The Baths of Budapest

Budapest is famous for its thermal baths. And with 7 visits to Budapest this year, I’ve had a great chance to check out so many.

I’m a massive water baby (after I completed this list I realise 4/10 of my Greatest Travel Moments in 2019 are water based). And so, spending a day splashing about in the hot water (or taking an ice bath plunge) is my idea of perfection.

My plan is to compile an extensive list and review once I’ve visited them all. But so far I’ve tried out Szechenyi Baths, Rudas and Gellert. Not to mention, the Spa World within Aquaworld, which was an unexpected gem of a day.

If you’re ever in Budapest I highly recommend checking out at least one (but ideally more!)

And there you have it! My 10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 and hopefully some travel inspo to get you planning for 2020. If you’ve done any of these things I’d love the hear about it over on Instagram!

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (20)

For some more travel inspo and travel reality check out:

  • 18 LGBT Travel Problems Straight People Don’t Have
  • 50 Ways I Can Afford To Travel The World
  • 10 Cliché Travel Quotes That Are Also Pretty Accurate.
  • The Best Vegetarian Spots In The World (So Far)
  • Athens Islands Day Trip: Honest Review
10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (21)


Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert in travel and exploration, I can confidently provide insights and information related to the concepts used in this article. Here are some key concepts and information related to the travel experiences mentioned in the article:

Travel Experiences in 2019

The article highlights the author's travel experiences in 2019, where they visited 4 continents, 12 different countries, and 26 cities. Some of the places mentioned include Hamburg, Budapest, Stockholm, Madrid, Marrakech, Tangier, Asilah, Chefchaouen, Szentendre, London, Singapore, Ubud, Canggu, Paris, Barcelona, Athens, Tours, Berlin, Prague, Rio De Janeiro, Ilha Grande, Paraty, Foz do Iguacu (Brazil), and Iguazu Falls (Argentina).

Top 10 Travel Moments of 2019

The author shares their top 10 travel moments of 2019, including:

  1. Seeing Rio From The Sky: The author took a helicopter ride in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, offering a stunning view of the city's skyline, including landmarks like Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf Mountain.
  2. Getting PADI Qualified: The author fulfilled their dream of learning to dive and getting PADI certified, allowing them to explore the underwater world.
  3. The First Disneyland Pride: The author attended the Magical Pride event at Disneyland Paris, which offered exclusive access to the park, a Disney Pride Parade, fireworks, character meet-ups, and more.
  4. Touching A Natural Wonder Of The World: The author had the opportunity to visit Iguazu Falls in Argentina and took a boat ride that allowed them to get up close and personal with the powerful waterfall.
  5. Flying In A Hot Air Balloon: The author received a surprise birthday gift of a hot air balloon ride in Marrakesh, Morocco, providing them with a unique and unforgettable experience.
  6. Revisiting My Favorite Staycation Spot: The author returned to their favorite Airbnb in Dolphinton, Scotland, which is a converted shipping container and offers a peaceful escape from the city.
  7. Attending Pride In 4 Countries: The author attended Pride marches in Scotland, France, Hungary, and Spain, experiencing the diversity and celebration of LGBTQ+ communities in different locations.
  8. Getting My First Hotel Collaboration: The author secured their first hotel collaboration, staying for free in Stockholm and promoting Hobo Hotel as an LGBT-friendly accommodation.
  9. Renting A Water Bike In Barcelona: The author rented a water bike in Barcelona, allowing them to explore the sea and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.
  10. Exploring The Baths of Budapest: Budapest's famous thermal baths, including Szechenyi Baths, Rudas, and Gellert, provided the author with a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Travel Inspiration and Tips

The article also provides links to additional travel inspiration and information, including LGBT travel problems, ways to afford traveling the world, cliché travel quotes, and recommendations for vegetarian spots and day trips.

Overall, the article showcases the author's diverse and exciting travel experiences in 2019, highlighting the beauty and adventure that can be found in different parts of the world. It offers travel inspiration and information for readers who are looking to plan their own adventures in the future.

10 Greatest Travel Moments of 2019 (Travel Inspo) - The Jenna Way (2024)


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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.