15 Ways to Call a Guy Handsome in Spanish | Tell Me In Spanish (2024)

If you’re learning Spanish and find yourself in a situation where you want to praise a boy or describe an attractive man to a friend, you will definitely need some vocabulary that helps you express what you think. That’s why in this article, we gathered a list of 15 words that you can use to call a man handsome in Spanish. Make sure to read them carefully and choose the one that best suits you!

This list covers a wide range of situations, from calling a family member (such as a cousin or sibling) handsome, to telling your boyfriend or a crush you like that you find him attractive as well as talking among your girl pals about a guy you just saw and describing how good-looking you find him.

1. Guapo

‘Guapo’ is the direct translation of ‘handsome’. As a result, it may be one of the most common and standard ways to call a man handsome. When it comes to using ‘guapo’ in Spanish, you can use one of the following phrase structures.

Estar [conjugated] + (adverb) + guapo

El novio de Pilar está bien Guapo
Pilar’s boyfriend is very handsome

Andrés y su hermano están muy guapos
Andres and his brother are very handsome

In the previous examples, including an adverb is optional since it allows you to intensify the word ‘guapo’.

Qué guapo + estar [conjugated] + [person]

¿Ya viste qué guapo está el novio de Pilar
Did you see how handsome Pilar’s boyfriend is?

¡Qué guapo está ese muchacho!
How handsome is that boy!

Variations of ‘guapo’

These are some variations of ‘guapo’, notice that the main difference between them is the degree of intensity.

  • Guapísimo → Expresses a higher degree of attractiveness. It means ‘so handsome’.
  • Guapote → It also expresses that a boy is very attractive. It is slightly softer than ‘guapísimo’.
  • Guapito → Expresses that a boy is handsome. It’s more used with young boys. It means ‘quite handsome’.

Henry Cavill está guapísimo
Henry Cavill is so handsome

Take Note: Although ‘guapo’ is the direct translation of ‘handsome’, in informal conversations, it can also be used as a synonym for ‘brave’. This meaning is only common in some South American countries such as: Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Chile.

2. Apuesto

The Spanish word ‘apuesto’ is a very elegant way to call a man handsome. On top of referring to a man’s physical traits, this word also implies that the person has a good and nice presence. As a result, it’s a word reserved for a particular type of man. ‘Apuesto’ could be translated either as ‘good looking’ or ‘very handsome’.

[Person] + ser [conjugated] + (muy) + apuesto

Edgar es un hombre apuesto
Edgar is a good looking man

Tu abuelo era muy apuesto cuando era joven
Your grandfather was a very handsome man when he was young

Qué guapo + ser [conjugated]

¡Qué apuesto eres, mi armo!
You’re so good looking, my love!

¡Qué apuesto es Oscar!
Oscar is very handsome!

These phrase structures are just a basic way to show you how to use ‘apuesto’ in Spanish. However, you can also use this word in other types of sentences.

¿Quién es ese hombre tan apuesto?
Who is that very good looking man?

Andrea vino a la fiesta con un hombre muy apuesto
Andrea came to the party with a very handsome man

Take Note: ‘Apuesto’ not only describes a boy’s physical attractiveness, but it also expresses that he has a good presence. As a result, this adjective mostly works with the verb ‘ser’. Additionally, ‘apuesto’ may be considered a formal and elegant word.

3. Hermoso

‘Hermoso’ can be translated as ‘beautiful’, ‘gorgeous’ and ‘very handsome’. In Spanish, we use ‘hermoso’ to express that a boy is very handsome. However, this adjective is not as commonly used to talk about men as it is for girls. In fact, women use ‘hermoso’ when talking about a boy that has beautiful features.

Like many other Spanish words for handsome, ‘hermoso’ works with the verb ‘estar’. Here are some examples.

Ricky Martin está hermoso
Ricky Martin is gorgeous

¡Qué hermoso está ese muchacho!
How handsome that boy is!

Ivan y Klauss están hermosos
Ivan and Klaus are very handsome

Notice that in this context, we don’t use ‘hermoso’ with the verb ‘ser’. Otherwise, you could be talking about a man’s personality or behavior.

Related: How to Call a Girl Beautiful in Spanish

4. Estar como un tren

This Spanish slang phrase expresses that a man is very attractive. It not only expresses that a man is handsome, but it also implies that he has a perfect body. Since ‘estar como un tren’ may be perceived as a bold expression, most women use it among their friends to describe a boy. Although there’s no direct translation, the closest phrase in meaning would be ‘so attractive’ or ‘very attractive’.

¿Ya viste a ese chico? Está como un tren
Did you see that guy? He’s so attractive

Los primos de Carla están como un tren
Carla’s cousins are very attractive

If you wanted, you could also use this phrase with a boy. However, be aware that it may be considered very forward and direct because you’re talking about him physically.

5. Atractivo

This Spanish adjective is the direct translation of ‘attractive’, as a result, we can also use it to say that a guy is handsome. Depending on the context and your tone of voice, this word may sound a little bit cold or impersonal. If you want to use ‘atractivo’ as a way to call a boy handsome, you can follow these phrase structures:

Ser [conjugated] + (muy) + atractivo

Matthew y Jonathan son atractivos
Matthew and Jonathan are attractive

Peter, eres un hombre muy atractivo
Peter, you’re a very attractive man

El maestro de español es muy atractivo
The Spanish teacher is very attractive

If you want to be more direct and use this word directly with a boy, you can use these examples:

Amor, ¡qué atractivo te ves!
Sweetie, you look so attractive!

Liam, Daniel, ¡se ven muy atractivos!
Liam, Daniel, you look very attractive you guys!

6. Buen Mozo

‘Buen mozo’ is a Spanish phrase that people use to call a boy ‘handsome’. It could be translated as ‘good-looking’, ‘gorgeous’, or simply ‘handsome’. On top of expressing that a man is attractive, ‘buen mozo’ also describes their personality and presence. As a result, we use it to talk about a handsome and nice boy.

Ser [conjugated] + buen mozo

Los hijos de Diana son buenos mozos
Diana’s boys are good-looking

Alan es muy buen mozo y está soltero
Alan is very handsome and he’s single

Te voy a presentar a un amigo, es muy buen mozo
I’m going to introduce you to a friend, he’s very handsome

Although this meaning is not implied in the English translation, don’t forget that ‘buen mozo’ also praises a boy’s behavior and personality. Therefore, use it wisely 😉

Take Note: In Mexico, ‘buen mozo’ is a formal and old expression. Therefore, it’s most commonly found in books and tv shows.

7. Adonis

In Spanish, we can also use ‘adonis’ to say that a man is handsome. This word is not as common as ‘guapo’ or ‘apuesto’ since it expresses a higher degree of beauty. It’s translated as ‘so good looking’ or ‘good looking man’. Here are some phrase structures that you can use to apply it:

Ser + [conjugated] + un + adonis

El chico nuevo es un adonis
The new guy is so good looking

Adam y su primo son unos adonis
Adam and his cousin are good looking men

Tu esposo es un adonis, ¿no tendrá un primo?
Your husband is so good looking, does he have a cousin?

8. Bello

‘Bello’ is the direct translation of ‘beautiful’, but it can also mean ‘handsome’. When using this word to praise a boy’s attractiveness we always use verbs that allow us to emphasize in the moment, such as ‘estar’ and ‘verse’. Here are some examples:

Qué + verse [conjugated] + bello

Amor, ¡qué bello te ves!
Love, you look beautiful!

¡Qué bellos se ven los chicos de contabilidad!
How beautiful the accounting guys look!

Estar [conjugated] + muy + bello

Los chicos de contabilidad están muy bellos
The accounting guys are very handsome

Adrián está muy bello con ese traje
Adrian is very handsome with that suit

Just like the English word ‘beautiful’, ‘bello’ is a complicated word to use when referring to a boy. However, there are many Spanish speaking women that still use ‘bello’ as a way to call a man handsome. In order to keep this meaning, use the verbs ‘estar’ and ‘verse’.

9. Bien parecido

‘Bien parecido’ is another Spanish synonym for ‘good looking’. Although it may seem similar to ‘buen mozo’, ‘bien parecido’ is only used to express that a boy is handsome. Compared to the other words that we have seen so far, ‘bien parecido’ is not as strong.

Additionally, we don’t use this phrase directly with the boy we’re talking about. Instead, we use it to describe him to someone else. Here are some examples of how to apply it:

Ser [conjugated] + bien parecido

El papá de Zoe es un señor bien parecido
Zoe’s dad is a good looking man

Elías es bien parecido, pero muy grosero
Elías is good looking, but he’s very rude

Damián es bien parecido y es muy amable, ¿por qué no sales con él?
Damian is good looking and very nice, why don’t you go out with him?

10. Tener Buena Pinta / Pintoso

‘Tener buena pinta’ is a Colombian synonym of ‘bien parecido’. As a result, this phrase is used to express that a man is ‘good looking’ or ‘attractive’. Although you may hear this phrase in other Spanish speaking countries, be aware that the meaning will be different. Here are some examples of how to apply this phrase.

¡El chico de azul tiene buena pinta!
The boy in blue is attractive!

¿Qué piensas de ese chico? Tiene buena pinta, ¿no?
What do you think about that boy? He’s handsome, don’t you think?

Additionally, this Colombian expression has another variation. Pintoso is an adjective that Colombian speakers use to say that a man is ‘attractive’ or ‘handsome’.

Ser [conjugated] + pintoso

Charles era pintoso
Charles is attractive

Julio y su amigo son muy pintosos
Julio and his friend are very handsome

11. Galán

Although most Spanish learners are not familiar with this word, ‘galán’ is another word that we can use to call a guy ‘handsome’. ‘Galán’ can be used either to describe a boy or as a cute nickname to use with him. This word is translated as ‘handsome man’. Here are some examples:

Galán, es hora de despertarse
Hey handsome, it’s time to wake up

Hola, galán, ¿cómo estás?
Hey, handsome, how are you?

If instead of using ‘galán’ as a pet name for your boyfriend or husband you want to use this word to describe a handsome man, follow the next phrase structure:

¡Qué galán + estar [conjugated] + [noun]!

¡Qué galán está ese chico!
How handsome that guy is!

Hugo, ¡qué galán está tu amigo! Preséntamelo
Hugo, your friends are so handsome! Introduce me!

Take Note: In Spanish, ‘galán’ is a very rich word with multiple meanings that get triggered when you use the verb ‘ser’. In these cases, ‘galán’ could mean ‘hero’ or ‘womanizer’. As a result, make sure you use it correctly.

12. Papacito

In Latin American countries, ‘papacito’ is a very popular word to express that a boy is very attractive. Although there’s no direct translation for this word, it’s close in meaning to ‘hottie’ ‘ or ‘very attractive’. Usually, we use ‘papacito’ to talk about a handsome man to a friend. You can use it directly with the guy you like if you’re dating.

¿Viste a ese muchacho? ¡Papacito!
Did you see that guy? Such a hottie!

¡Qué guapo está nuestro nuevo vecino! ¡Papacito!
Our new neighbor is so handsome! Such a hottie!

In some Spanish speaking countries, ‘papacito’ may have the following variation.

Ser [conjugated] + un + papucho

Chris es un papucho, ¡qué suerte tiene su novia!
Chris is so handsome, his girlfriend is so lucky!

¿Todavia no conoces a James? ¡Es un papucho!
You still haven’t met James? He’s such a hottie!

13. Churro

‘Churro’ is a slang word that is used in Colombia and Peru to call a man handsome. As a result, it can be translated as ‘hottie’ or ‘good looking’. When using this word you need to keep in mind that it is only applicable in informal conversations. Here are some examples:

¡Qué churro está Mateo!
Mateo is such a hottie!

Mi novio está muy churro
My boyfriend is so good looking

¿Viste al chico churro que venía a un lado de mí en el avión?
Did you see the good looking guy that was next to me in the airplane?

Take Note: As a slang term, ‘churro’ has different meanings depending on the Spanish country you are. Therefore, if you want to use it to call a boy handsome or attractive, use it only in the countries mentioned above.

14. Chulo

In countries such as Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Puerto Rico, ‘chulo’ is an informal way to say that a man is attractive. It can be translated either as ‘good looking’ or ‘handsome’. Depending on the context as well as their speaker’s tone of voice, ‘chulo’ could also be used as a synonym of ‘cute’.

Qué chulo está Luis
Luis is so handsome

Ay, qué chulos están los amigos de tu hermana
Geez, your sister’s friends are so good looking

One way to make sure that you’re using ‘chulo’ to say that a boy is handsome is by using the verb ‘ponerse’ (to get). Notice that by using this verb you will be implying that this man just became attractive.

¿Ya viste qué chulo se puso Sebastián?
Did you see how handsome Sebastian got?

Hace mucho que no veía a Julio, se puso muy chulo
I haven’t see Julio in a long while, he has become pretty handsome

15. Lindo

‘Lindo’ is one of the Spanish translations for ‘pretty’, ‘cute’ or ‘beautiful’. Although it doesn’t express a high degree of physical attractiveness, Spanish speakers may also use it to call a boy handsome. However, keep in mind that it is not as strong as other words presented in this list.

Verse [conjugated] + (adjective) + lindo

Tony se ve muy lindo con ese traje
Tony looks very cute with that suit

Alan y Esteban se ven bastante lindos hot
Aland and Estaban look quite pretty today

Take Note: Lindo is a Spanish adjective that you can use to call a man handsome without being too bold. This word is also used when the girl is not sure about the type of relationship she wants to develop with this boy.

Wrapping Up

In this list, we presented you with the most common ways to call a boy handsome in Spanish. When applying this vocabulary, make sure you use the appropriate verb along with the term or phrase for calling a guy cute or attractive that properly describes the type of attractive qualities you wish to express. Remember that ‘estar’ and ‘ser’ can change the meaning of these words.

Now, you’re ready to go out there and start calling your boyfriend, a crush or some other guy you see handsome 😉

15 Ways to Call a Guy Handsome in Spanish | Tell Me In Spanish (2024)


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