Reviews of Abeka Arithmetic (A Beka) curriculum from Homeschool Math (2024)

A Beka curriculum uses a spiraling method in the early grades which means a lot of constant review. They offer the following books: Arithmetic 1-6, Basic math (7th grade), Pre-Algebra (8th grade), Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Plane geometry, Businessmathematics, Consumer mathematics, Analytic geometry, Trigonometry. The excerpts below are adapted from the publisher's info.

Arithmetic 2 "Students begin to learn new concepts right away as they reviewconcepts from first grade. The book and curriculum provide continuous practice inplace value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, money,temperature, time, perimeter, story problems, estimation, rounding, graphs, theruler, and English and metric measures."

Arithmetic 6 "The teach/reteach approach and abundant practice problems in this worktext help your student master skills and concepts. Almost daily, story problems and frequent problem-solving strategies make arithmetic practical.Excellent emphasis is given to problem solving, percents, basic geometry, measures, fractions, decimals, proportions, beginning algebra, prime and composite numbers, graphs and statistics, and practical arithmetic, such as banking, budgeting, and purchasing electricity."

Pre-Algebra (grade 8) "This pre-algebra work-text gives a brief but complete review of all arithmetic topics, broadening many topics to include more than one approach to the correct solution. Problem-solving strategies help students apply mathematical skills to word problems."

Arithmetic Worktexts $35 per year (for grades 1-6), teacher's edition $25.25 per year. Books for higher grades (7th on) ~$34, teacher's editions ~$30. Of course most users of Abeka Arithmetic or math have just bought it as part of the complete curriculum they offer.

Time: 2 months

Your situation: I've been sick the past year, so this year we decided to do a "School" 2 days a week. Previously, we've used Math-U-See and Saxon and really liked both.

Why you liked/didn't like the curriculum: I can't stand ABeka Arithmetic! In addition to the student book and TM, you end up having to buy all the "visuals" because they are so integrated into the lessons. ABeka says some of these are "essential", some are "highly recommended", some are "recommended" and others are "optional". Even the "optional" ones are really needed although they state you can make your own materials, etc. But, it is very hard to follow if you substitute and don't have THEIR materials.

I spend most of my time gathering the items needed for a 30 min.- 50min. lesson! I'm sure this isn't a problem for a school and/or math teacher who is teaching the same thing all day, but for homeschooling, it is NOT user friendly. I am teaching all subjects in four grades!

Any other helpful hints: NOT homeschool user friendly unless you buy all the visuals for each grade = $$$$$

Review left August 20, 2013

Time: 7 years

Your situation:My son was in Private School and used Abeka, we couldn't afford it any longer and pulled him out to home school. My daughter was in Kindergarten in Public School and we are now homeschooling her. We have 7th (with DVD), 1st and Kinder.

Why you liked/didn't like the curriculum:I LOVE the Abeka Math and Language Program. They are great, yes there is a ton of Rote Repitition but this is the key to learning. Between Abeka and my 6 year old is a great reader. We are going over all the phonics rules.

I used the DVD for my son in 4th nad 6th grade and LOVED the format of it with the DVD Manual and it was very user friendly. I am not too thrilled with having an individual DVD guide for each class in 7th grade. We have just started the year so I will see how it goes but I haven't been as impressed with 7th Grade as I have the earlier years.

I wish the History & Science had a little more hands on approach to them. For the younger grades I am capable of creating this on my own but the older grades it is rougher.

Any other helpful hints:If you child has mastered a skill then I would spend minimal time a week reviewing those skills in Math. My kindergartner is capable of doing the 1st grade math, with the exception of not being able to read and he is still learning to write his numbers. I am moving at a much faster pace doing 2 or 3 lessons in one day. I do a ton of hands on math manipulatives. I am spending more time on the concepts that he doesn't have down for example the value of money. I am reviewing the mastered skills maybe a total of 5 minutes a day and I usually do that while we are driving doing something else outside of school.

I have found that my kids are ahead of the public school system at least in the lower grades. I think around 6th or 7th grade they catch up some.

Review left September 13, 2012

Grades: 2, 4 6th grade
Time: 1 month

Your situation:3 children, using Abeka now in conjunction with Sinagpore Math Standards.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I had my children learn from Singapore Standard math and we just switched to the new curriculum of books using Abeka for all our homeschooling, including math. THe kids just finished, 1st 3rd and 5th grade Singapore Std Math, and I bought Abeka, 2, 4, and 6th Math, and turns out Abeka is one year behind Singapore in the Math area. It essentially covers everything Sinapore does one year prior. The one thing Abeka has over SM are the many more drills, but so not necessary, SM has enough work so that the concepts stick in their brains. Plus, SM is way more intuitive, and analytical. The ONLY thing I don't like about Singapore is the organization of answers and explanation for the parents. It's very complicated and very hard to follow. Abeka is very straightforward. Unfortunately, if you are weak in math but your child is gifted in it (as this is the case for me), you will have to spend time preparing for SM math lessons, but for Abeka, the parent answer book is very easy to follow and explains everything step by step. The only guilt I feel is that because my kid's teacher (me) isn't as organized and sharp in math, I decided to use the Abeka curriculum so I can understand it as well but now I have to buy the next grade up.

Any other helpful hints: Check out Singapore Math, one grade below Abeka's Math book.

eliza hamilton
Review left June 16, 2012


Time: 3 years

Your situation:I have taught fourth grade in a Christian School for 7 years. I used the Bob Jones Curriculum for 4 years and the ABEKA for the past 3.

Why you liked/didn't like the book: I did not like the BJU math at first because it was too easy for my students, and I had to do a lot of supplementation. I also felt that it did not have enough review of previous material. They have since updated their math curricula to include more practice and review. It is also more advanced conceptually.

The BJU math is divided into units, so that certain concepts that are important receive concentrated attention to achieve mastery.ON the other hand, ABEKA math (at least in fourth grade) seems to attempt to take the students past their ability levels in a lot of areas which creates discouragement for many children who are physiologically not ready for some of the skills that are presented. The attention should be geared in the lower levels at critical thinking and fundamental mastery of facts as well as basic concepts with hands on learning to help achieve this goal. It is my experience that although ABEKA can "proudly" boast that students are on the average a grade level above their peers in other curriculums, by the time they reach the upper levels, they are lacking a great deal of understanding when it comes to problem solving skills and analytical thinking. A short phrase that wraps up the ABEKA curriculum for me is, "a little of this and a little of that" creating students who are good at many things but masters of none.

I am thankful our administration will be switching back to BJU math next year. Easier to teach and easier to supplement.

Any other helpful hints:Helpful hints for using ABEKA in a classroom setting: focus on the most important concepts and skip if necessary the more difficult computation. Save the higher level computation for those who are ready and use it as "challenge" problems while giving your slower and even average students some "hands on experience" in order to solidify those concepts that are so important.

Review left May 4, 2012

High School Algebra and Geometry
Grades: 8 - 12
Time: Teacher mid 90s

I taught the Abekah math curriculum for 4 years. I was very disappointed and frustrated with it. It did not spend sufficient time teaching how to handle word problems and setting up equations, and it didn't teach graphing really at all - both are very important concepts in advanced mathematics. The Geometry Book failed to teach anything about 3rd dimension Geometery and I felt did a poor job of teaching proofs.

I saw my advanced students year after year doing poorly on their SAT's because they had never seen the material that was on these tests - I did my best to fill in gaps the second year, and they were grateful.

Rachel R.
Review left April 19, 2012

A Beka Book, kindergarten - Algebra 1

Time: 10 years

Your situation:I have been homeschooling for ten years (5 children) and have used A Beka almost exlusively.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:We appreciate A Beka for grades 1 - 6, but there is a tremendous shift in approach at grade 7. The reviews we were accustomed to disappeared, and the explanations became very anemic. If you don't have a strong math background, you will not survive without using the DVD's (if then). Also, there is very little review in these books. The child moves on to a new concept each day, with not mention of any previous concepts to practice. Suddenly, he is faced with a unit test that contains 3 weeks of material that he has not thought about since he turned in his paper. I have a Master's Degree from PCC and was trained to teach this material, but I do not recommend the high school math.

Any other helpful hints:Use A Beka until 8th grade, and then look for something mastery-based and more inclusive.

Parent, USA
Review left April 30, 2012

Time: 12 years 16 15 13 11 9 and 6 year old

Your situation:I used Abeka Letter and Sound, reading books, Math and Language workbooks up to the 5th grade. I purchased the history, health and science books for my children to read on their own (used) I then used Weaver for more teacher parent involvement for hands on in Bible, health, science, history, art writing and field trips (1-6). My kids loved this method. I found that they were way above average of those attending the public school. I did not purchase teacher keys for the 1st and 2nd grade. As it was just as easy for me do check it as I helped my younger students. I did not do drills or testing.(for the younger grades) Most of my children spent more time in Abeka 5th grade math. I did not let them move on until they grasped each concept. If they did know a concept I made them do much less in that section. 1 child took 2 years to finish up with the Abeka 5th grade math. However, once they finished they were ready to go into Pre-Algebra. We used Switched On School House for History, Health and Science for the 1st 2 years to introduce them to computer test taking. It went so well my daughters passed the pre tests for clep testing in history. We used Videotext(Ebay) for a child and Teaching Textbook for another based on their style of learning. The last 2 years of Science we used Apologia (Ebay) We all are very pleased and are looking at starting college soon. Planning on cleping out of many courses.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I appreciated that my children were always ahead while using Abeka. The Letter and Sounds is tremendous in helping students to read and spell. (Make sure you take the time for them to learn each of the sounds). You will not need a spelling program for the younger grades if they learn them well. If your child does not grasp it in 1st grade Abeka repeats them in 2nd grade.

Any other helpful hints:Use the Library a lot after 3rd grade. Encourage small books reports. Use Abeka Language for 1-12 Go up to at least Abeka 5th grade math.(take your time even a year if needed for each child.( They will excell in Math and Language) Do Letters and Sounds (make sounds cards)They will be great readers and spellers! Make Abeka fun per child! Enjoy yourself as well.

Review left March 1, 2012

Time: 1 year.

Your situation: Although is a good curriculum, would not buy it again!

Why you liked/didn't like the book: What I didn't like about this curriculum is that: as a low income parent is very hard to afford this curriculum, for the fact that almost everything is sold separately, I got 2 curriculumns 1st and 5th. I bought the kit of each one of them thinking it would have everything, including answer keys to the tests, and did not have everything, I had to buy everything little by little, as money was coming in. Maybe to someone who has the finances, this curriculum is nice. But as for me, I would not buy it again, cannot afford it. There are other curriculumns that are a little more considarate and are affordable.

Any other helpful hints: They should have a set price for all grades, and include eveything in the package.

Silda Guerrero
Review left January 25, 2012

Your situation: I am an administrator at an independent school which is accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools. Several students have transfered into our school from Christian Schools and homeschool situations having been taught using the A Beka curriculum.

Why you liked/didn't like the book: From my perspective, the A Beka curriculum does not stress analytical and critical thinking but instead focuses more on mechanics - proper formation of numbers, letters, staying within lines, etc. Students who are motivated, self starters excel with a more conceptual approach and become bored easily with mechanics.

Any other helpful hints:No need to sacrifice academics for a Christian curriculum.

Review left November 21, 2011

Time: First year

Your situation: Do not like the approach they used with this math book.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I am very frustrated at the first grade math curriculum for my first grader. I keep waiting for him (now 2 months into this thing) to get to something that he is learning instead of reviewing. I heard so many good things about this curriculum and had to make a decision so went ahead and got it. Maybe it just isn't my style but my first grader knew how to count money (using all the coins), tell time, and we are still not there... Sorry but it is a good thing that I have a lot of other different math options around the house or I would have to go out and get a whole other math curriculum for him. I don't like how they have things all mixed up in the lessons. I prefer they work on one subject until they get it really good and then go on to something else maybe with a few review problems at the end of the chapter. Then I have the liberty to go to what I think they need until they get it good...

Any other helpful hints:Have other things around the house that have specific chapters ex. many pages on adding and subtracting, time, money, measuring, etc.

Review left October 31, 2011

Time: 3 years

Your situation:I have 1 child going into kindergarten, 2 going into 6th, 1 going into 8th and 1 going into 11th.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I like the repetition and the re-enforcement, but I have 1 child with Asperger's (8th grade) and 1 child with dyslexia (6th grade) and the math program is more tough than they can comfortably work out. I have found that we really do not like Switched on Schoolhouse math. I have found that we love, love, love Teaching Textbooks! This guy is genius. Everything is explained in detail. You can get everything from 4th grade math to calculus I think. Great program but kind of expensive. WELL worth it!! I love all the other subjects in Abeka. It is really helpful if you're new to homeschooling with Abeka to get the Video Manual. Even if you are not using their dvd/video program, this manual has a complete daily guide for all subjects!! Wonderful. You have to buy them used if you don't use the DVDs. Abeka will not sell you just the manual. Very inexpensive. A must for busy parents. I think they stop with all of the subjects in one guide at 6th grade though. Hope this helps!

Any other helpful hints:The video/dvd manual is a must for elementary grades through 6th. Again you have to buy the manual used, as Abeka will not sell you just the manual if you are not using the video/dvd program. It's WONDERFUL. So much easier than having all those teacher books.

Julie Musgroa
Review left August 12, 2011

Time: All the way to the 12th grade




Review left August 13, 2011

Time: 4 years

Your situation:My son attends a private Christian school in Texas and his school uses all ABeka curriculum. I taught in one of the local elementary schools for 10 years and have been a school counselor for the past 7 years. My husband taught high school math for a number of years before becoming an assistant principal at a middle school. We constantly compare scope and sequences for the curriculum against Texas' state essential elements. We have seen that for all elementary grades (PK-6th) the curriculum works well, but we will be looking into some other curriculum for him early on so that we do have to feel pressured once he's ready for 7th grade.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I am extremely pleased with the elementary curriculum and have seen my child progress with his Reading and Math. When comparing my child to other on my campus, my son is way ahead of them. He was reading the first semester of PK4 thanks to the phonics being taught in the curriculum. Everything is laid out for the teacher's manual for the classroom teacher to follow. For me, a wholesome Christian education was first and foremost, and that we found with ABeka.

Any other helpful hints:Absolutely no concerns. Get familiar with the scope and sequence per grade level so that there are no surprises for you. Ask questions, whether it's the curriculum at your child's school or whether you homeschool. There is always that support from the company.

Leonarda Garcia
Review left July 9, 2011

Level: Algebra 1
Time: Five years

The teachers on the Algebra I CD'S move too fast. There is not enough explanation on how to arrive to each step. One problem I had was that the teacher went to an area where you couldn't see her demonstrate how she was helping other students, you can only hear her whispering what the child did wrong and how to arrive to the correct answer. I found this to be very disturbing in that I paid a substantial amount of money for detailed instruction of math concepts and I didn't get it this year.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
For the aforementioned reasons I didn't like the algebra I DVD program. I want to also mention the solution book is very hard to follow with no explanations. There isn't enough examples to explain the concepts.

Any other helpful hints:
Update your CD'S to reflect todays math. Add more graphing concepts in math. Definitely add more step by step solution examples in the solution books and have the teachers slow down and explain each step in detail. Agebra I and Algegra II is important to successful completion of higher mathematics as well as college courses. It is also important to do well on the SAT'S. If we don't provide a strong understanding of the topics covered in these courses we are setting our students up to fail.

Review left February 23, 2011

Time: Four years

Your situation:
Home School K-4

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
Love, love, love this program! The colorful workbooks keep everything together. It is visually appealing. Each concept taught is reviewed, again and again. What I love is the repetition as it sincerely drills math concepts into memory.

Any other helpful hints:
However, it does move very quickly. Our daughter has a natural gift for math and does well with this. If your child struggles with math, I do not know if I would recommend this curriculum.

Michele Boice
Review left January 6, 2011

Time: 6 years

Your situation:
I have 3 girls, we started using Abeka in k5 with all of them ages 11, 8 , 5. My older two children did great with the program. We loved the DVDs. When my middle child was in the second grade I purchased the books and taught them myself.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
I have mixed emotions. I love the strong math program for primary grades and the language. If I could have made the choice to just get math and Language I would have. By the third grade my children were advanced and testing 2 years ahead. I dont like the spelling, science, or history. I also used the k4 program for my youngest. I am not pleased! I found it to be a waste of money. The teacher makes comments constantly on how Mommies should wear dresses when the children are drawing. It is very classroom based (even the books for homeschooling). I am very pleased with the k5 and first grade teachers. I would use this for younger children because of the strong math and language. Your kids will know math but may not understand "why," just what to do. The language is the best program that I can find. However keep in mind that this is geared for a classroom of 30 kids. If you're teaching yourself concentrate on what your child needs, don't choke him to death with the busy work. By the 5th or sixth grade I suggest testing and researching. Abeka (DVD) will not provide the math needed for ACT and SATs by the time that your child will be taking them.

Any other helpful hints:
Read The Well Trained Mind, plan out for your childs ACT & SATS. If you follow just ABeka they will miss out on important concepts needed for these test in a timely matter. Meaning before the test.

Review left December 29, 2010

Time: 3 years

I have been homeschooling for the past 4 years. My children were in a private school that used the ACE curriculum and Abeka reading. We later switched to another Christian school that used Abeka except for in spelling, they used another curriculum. When I decided to homeschool, I wanted something easy for my children to do, that required very little out of me since I worked at home as a medical trancriptionist. So, we decided on the ACE/PACE curriculum. I was never very happy with that curriculum since I felt the children were not challenged enough but we continued to use it since my children could work independently. When my youngest daughter started K5, I decided to give the Abeka DVD program a try. I loved it!! My daughter learned so much and was reading well beyond a K5 level at the end of the school year. I love how the program pushes phonics ~ a must for good readers. My K5 daughter read much better than my other two children when they were in K5 using the ACE curriculum. My daughter is now doing the 1st grade DVD and she loves it. Yes, we do ALL the work. I know it is not necessary and it can be time consuming; but, if your child is not struggling then the extra work can only help them. I am amazed at how well she reads. She can pick up just about any book. And, the math is great. I believe memorization is the key to math. So many curriculums no longer use memorization as a tool to learn math facts. My daughter is on lesson 40 in first grade and can recite the 1-7 families, addition and subtraction, from memorization. She passes her speed drills with 100% almost everytime. I am very pleased with the Abeka DVD program for my youngest child.

I have two that I placed in the Abeka DVD program this year. They should have been in 6th and 7th but I held them back a grade. It has been tough changing to Abeka but it is the best decision we have made. Abeka gives you 12 months to complete a grade so if you need to slow it down you have that option. I have really seen it challange my children and it has brought out their ability to to take a math problem and work it from start to finish with the correct answer. The only problem is that they did not have to learn their addition/subtraction/multiplication/division families so they still struggle. Thankfully Abeka is still reinforcing these facts in 6th grade. I see a huge difference in my children since the switch. I have also learned not to stress it. Just take it slow ~ if your child is having a bad school day, close the books and go play... there is always tomorrow to work on it. My girls love the curriculum and tell me thank you quite frequently for changing them. I wish I had switched them sooner.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
So far, I like the books. There are a variety of problems for the children to work out with supplemental work in the back if the child needs extra help! And, the DVD teachers are great!!

Any other helpful hints:
Do not be intimidated by Abeka. It is a lot of work but if your child is not struggling, a little extra work does not hurt. Even with the DVDs, you can tailor the program to suite your child's needs.

Cherie Carter
Review left November 10, 2010

Time: 8 years

We homeschool using the Abeka DVDs. I have 5 children. 2 are using the 6th grade curriculum.

I wanted to make a comment about Abeka and Saxon placement tests. My son has completed 2/3rds of Abeka 6th grade and he has only used Abeka.

I've tested him using the Saxon placement test. The test results showed he should start Saxon Algebra I.

I also had him take the SOS (Switched on Schoolhouse) 7th grade placement test for math. They test the two lower grades. He made an 84 for 5th grade and a 79 for 6th grade. He had an overall composite score of 81 which would place him in 7th grade.

Reading reviews online trying to figure out what to do for my son after he finishes Abeka DVDs for 6th grade. Considering Saxon Math for 7th - 12th since it gets lots of good reviews for junior high and high school. And also because a lot of homeschoolers use it here so it will be easier finding a tutor who has used the curriculum in case we need one.

I love the DVD program. For extra support from parents using the DVDs there is a Yahoo group called Abeka DVDs. And a Yahoo group called Abeka for extra support with the curriculum. If you have a curriculum question there are more people on the Abeka group that can help out. If you have DVD specific questions then the DVD group is helpful.

Since Abeka doesn't have a placement test for math that I know of, you can just order the math quiz and test and the answer key and have your kids take the tests. If they pass the last couple of tests they could go on to the next grade. If they ace all the first couple of tests but fail the last couple of tests then that is the grade they should be in. If they don't ace the first couple of tests up to lesson 60, which is mostly just review of the previous grade, then they probably should try the tests for a lower grade to figure out the right grade.

From observation from reading posts on the abeka Yahoo groups over the years. Most of the people who have had problems with elementary Abeka math that have switched from another curriculum figure out after a couple of months that they put their child in a grade too hard for them. Abeka is a good program but it can be really hard for some who aren't used to the curriculum. The first 60 lessons in the Abeka grade is a quick review of the previous grade. If your child hadn't been taught the material beforehand, the review will go rather quickly covering the material, and odds are the child will struggle to keep up and not have the math facts mastered before the new material for that grade is introduced. And once the new material gets added in for that grade, some kids get very lost and frustrated and struggle to keep up. So if the child really starts struggling somewhere between lesson 30 to 60, they might need to be in a lower grade so that they can master the concepts being reviewed from the prevous grade before tackling new material that is starting to be introduced.

What some parents do is that they stick with the grade and the child continues to struggle when they should have stopped and reviewed the concepts before going on. Those that switch to a lower grade often will have more success as the child is working at the right level and progressing at the rate designed for learning new material and getting plenty of review to master the concepts. And not getting a crash course with the review. Most of the times the kids that switched from another curriculum who were struggling did fine with elementary Abeka math in the long run once they were placed in the right grade. So I recommend testing first with the Abeka quizzes and tests to figure out the right grade when switching curriculumns.

Review left October 4, 2010

Time: Twelve years

I've been using Abeka for twelve years for all of my children.

I am commenting on the Abeka math curriculum in particular. My sixth grader has used Abeka through the fifth grade, and she scores "significantly above average" on placement tests. She's in the 97th to 99th percentile in math.

My older daughter used Abeka almost throughout her schooling, and she was able to skip an entire grade in math when she attended public school (to which she went because of a family tragedy), and she has now tested at college level in math, while in the 10th grade. I can't give all the credit to Abeka because she has had some alternate schooling. After being in public school two years, she did Geometry with Abeka, while in ninth grade. Some of the material taught in that class wasn't even approached in the public school system until the 11th or 12th grade. My daughter is now attending a junior college, taking precalculus, and earning her AA degree while in high school. Because of all this, I have confidence in the Abeka curriculum, math and all the rest.

It's a great curriculum. I strongly suggest using it for those who are just starting out in the younger grades. The only thing I've had to adjust is the spelling, which has been too difficult for my boys, though not for my girls. If your children are above fourth grade and you're just starting to home-school or switching to Abeka, you might have to "set up camp" for a while as you go through the math. Just make sure your child clearly understands each concept as you work through the book. If they aren't understanding something, stop and do some extra work in that particular area. Then, when they've got it, continue on.

Lori Brock
Review left August 30, 2010

Time: 2 different years with my children

I used the Abeka Geometry along with the DVD. The concepts were explained in class and then homework assigned. With only one problem of each type being done in class it would have been nice to have examples written in the book. Most problems done in class were not in the book to refer to and we had to replay the DVD to know how to do the problems. I found the book to be difficult to understand and use because it lacked examples to follow. The teacher on the DVD did a great job explaining how to do things but is limited by time to complete all problems in the book. I would suggest that the book be updated to include example problems completed in large detail. I don't know how anyone without DVDs could complete this course.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
It lacked examples to be able to do the homework.

Any other helpful hints:
The DVDs are necessary for this course because the book lacks sufficient examples.

Sherri Davis
Review left June 18, 2010

Time: 3 years

My son is in the 3rd grade and he is on a 4th grade level in math. I love the Abeka program. My son attends a Christian Private School and they use the Abeka program for every subject. I have to admit that some of the 3rd grade math, I couldn't remember as a child. I think that the public schools should implement this in their curriculum. I am considering tutoring children that are having problems in math and I will be using the Abeka program...

Frances Easley
Review left June 4, 2010

Time: 1 year

Your situation:
Homeschooling mom of two boys; 1st and 3rd grade

We started homeschooling halfway through this year, so we needed an affordable yet comprehensive math curriculum to get our 3rd grader through the rest of the year. I bought the Abeka Student Workbook and Test Drills. Haven't used the test drills book at all because there is so much review in each lesson, I would know if my son is "getting" concepts or not. I will use the Test Drills book for little review lessons during the summer. I did not buy the Teacher's Manual. Each new concept is explained well enough at the top of the page.

If your child doesn't like review, this is not the curriculum for you. It's perfect for my son who likes to learn something new, but not have to master it right away. He loves the "easy stuff" (review). Do not purchase the Teacher's Manual if you feel fairly confident in your own math skills. Keep your money for the harder math grades. The test drills book really is unnecessary, but doesn't cost very much, so not a waste of money.

Beth Burright
Review left March 13, 2010

Time: 1997-2007

We used A Beka math through the elementary and junior high years, and we were generally happy with it. We did have one child who was unable to keep up with A Beka's pace, and we changed her to a different curriculum.

I want to focus this review, however, on the Pre-Algebra book. Our oldest child was a good math student, getting straight A's with A Beka. Before she entered high school, though, we decided to explore other math curricula. She took placement tests for Saxon Algebra and Singapore New Elementary Math 2 (technically an 8th grade book). She did very poorly on both placement tests.

If you compare the table of contents of A Beka Pre-Algebra with the table of contents of another pre-algebra book, you will find a lot of topics missing from the A Beka book. The topics that are covered are often done so superficially. For example, the A Beka book provides students with very little practice in setting up equations from word problems. And there is NO graphing in the A Beka book.

A Beka can be a useful curriculum in the lower grades, but I would strongly urge parents to look into something more else for junior high and beyond, especially if they want their children to be competitive on standardized tests and the SAT.

Review left February 24, 2010

Time: 4 years

I have a ten-year-old daughter. We have used Abeka a while now and have been well pleased. In fact, we are friends with many kids that are in public school, and she is way ahead of them. I think the constant review and introduction of new concepts helps progression. I definately recommend.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
One thing that needs work is extra practice pages per lesson.

Review left February 10, 2010

Time: 9 years

Your situation:
I homeschooled four of my five children with Abeka math from 1998 to 2007. When my oldest was ready for high school, however, we switched to Singapore Math.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
We were mostly satisfied with Abeka math until my oldest took placements tests for Saxon's Algebra 1 and Singapore's New Elementary Math 3 (9th grade). Although my daughter had been getting straight A's in Abeka's Pre-Algebra curriculum, she flunked both placement tests. It was then that we realized the Abeka program just lacks depth. One gaping hole in the Abeka Pre-Algebra book is coordinate graphing. There is no graphing instruction at all in this book. (The section of the book on "graphs" is about bar graphs etc.) This book does not cover many other topics that one normally finds a a pre-algebra scope and sequence, such as slope of a line, proportions, solving equations with variables on both sides, inequalities, transforming formulas, etc.

Any other helpful hints:
If you think that your child might choose a career that requires higher math skills, you would do well to consider another math curriculum.

Review left November 4, 2009

Time: 3 years

My son, who is in 2nd grade, picks up concepts quickly. He gets bored with the repetition and wants to move on. I thought repetition was vital because that's how I was taught. After reading these reviews, I see other students are in the same situation as he is. I'd like to see him move faster, so as not to get so bored. He's in a Christian School, so I don't get to choose the pace.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
Abeka seems to be great as far as introducing concepts. The only thing we don't like is the repetition. Although, I think the review is pretty important.

Jennifer Rose
Review left September 14, 2009

Time: 1+ years

Your situation:
I am a former public school teacher, having taught 7th-12th grade all subjects in the alternative school and 7th grade Literature and 8th grade algebra in the Middle School. After having taught in the alternative school, I couldn't make myself put my child in public school, so she has always been homeschooled. She also has many heath issues and many doctor's appointments, which would quickly have me in trouble with the school district and would cause her to miss vital concepts while waiting in doctor's offices. By homeschooling, I can make the waiting room a classroom, or get school done before we go.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
I had many problems with math all through school until I finally reached college and realized that if I didn't get it, I was going to have to drop out. At that point, I started doing not just the assigned homework, but every problem in every section of the textbook, 150 problems per section. I got the instructor to copy the answer key for me, and I vowed never to give it out or to turn in homework without showing the work. I worked every problem until I got the right answer and knew how I got it. If I just couldn't get it, I started with the answer and worked backward until I got the problem. I finished that course with a grade of 100% and went on to major in math. Current research bears out my experience. The more you drill, the more connections your brain grows to that memory. If you don't drill, your brain prunes the connections it has and you lose the skill.

Abeka provides enough drill that your child will never forget the skill. Sometimes it gets a little monotonous, but a little monotony never killed anyone. It is certainly better than developing a habit of failure and being defeated by math like I was. I entered school just on the rising tide of current educational theory that says kids don't need to drill and they can get it by seeing it once. I was always a good student and have a high IQ, but nevertheless I failed math. I thought it was just that I wasn't talented at math, but with 20/20 hindsight, I think the problem is that I wasn't taught to study effectively and I wasn't taught math effectively. I saw that borne out in the students I taught as well. With Abeka, I don't think my child is ever going to have that problem. Each new concept is introduced in very small bits and then drilled until it is solid. Sometimes I have trouble getting her to focus and do it, but she is getting a very solid foundation in basic concepts that should bode well for her ability to succeed in Algebra and even higher.

Any other helpful hints:
I think Abeka assumes that there will be a number of kids using the curriculum in each grade who have not been using Abeka before and don't have the prerequisite skills. They go all the way back nearly to the beginning of the previous year and review, at least in the book I'm using now. So you may not need to do everything each day if your child has solid skills. I'm learning to just hit the new stuff and let her review on the worksheet. She has the material so solidly that she is doing a speed drill designed for 3 minutes in 45 seconds and getting everything right. I am working very hard on the number writing part, as my experience in public school, both as a student and as a teacher, taught me that most times when a kid doesn't get an Algebra problem and is in danger of getting discouraged, the issue is almost always handwriting, copying errors, or missing a negative sign. So I'm really reinforcing watching signs, careful handwriting and careful copying even in first grade. The speed drills help with that as they often switch from addition to subtraction in the middle of the drill while she is hurrying. She is already seeing what happens if you don't note the signs as you hurry.

Review left September 12, 2009

Time: 4 months

Your situation:
homeschooling since 1st grade. I thought we should try Abeka for third grade to see what it was like.

I hated Abeka because there wasn't enough hands on stuff and it got too spiral for us.

Review left July 20, 2009

Time: 2 years

I am not the parent but the child writing this review. Public school didn't work out for me and my mother read reviews of the private schools in our town and they weren't good reviews. My mom and I thought homeschooling would be the best thing to do and we decided to try the Abeka curriculum.

Abeka is wonderful! I love it! The lessons were already laid out for us and the curriculum was advanced but before I started homeschooling I went to a advanced school so I was used to it. I love Abeka's reading program the best and there is a lot of review in the math that you can skip if you don't think your child needs that much review.

Any other helpful hints:
I wouldn't reccomend this to anyone whose child struggles a lot in math but otherwise it is a great curriculum. It's a little expensive though so you might want to buy them on Ebay or some other place that sells them for a cheaper price.

Miley Carlson
Review left July 19, 2009

Time: 5 years

I like the A Beka math program and appreciate how they introduce new concepts smoothly as they incorporate and review past concepts.

My daughter does well and grasps things easily after practicing. I think it is important to practice and review but we did feel there was a lot of work each day which was causing her to get burnt out. So we eliminated the review at the end of the daily lesson and the seatwork (home work) at the end of the day. The daily lesson usually has review in it anyway. Sometimes I may have her do a couple of review problems at the end if neccessary.

Mrs. Clarkdale
Review left July 16, 2009

Time: 2 years

Your situation:
Homeschooling mom to two children ages 5 & 7

Abeka has provided my daughter with a SOLID foundation in early mathematics. I have no doubt that she is ahead of other 1st graders that are in public school. I love how Abeka reinforces concepts learned. My first year of hsing I made sure she did EVERYTHING, but this year I've learned to relax quite a bit and don't make her do it all. If she grasps the concept, we just skip those math exercises and move on. My ds who is in K this year also has done very well. He is an average math student and has speech and language delays which sometimes hinders his learning ability but Abeka math has been good for him. Of course I slowed it WAY down but nonetheless he has done great. He can count to 100, do simple addition and subraction, measure in inches etc. I am pleased with this curriculum and have learned to bend it according to our needs and desires. I highly recommend this program.

Any other helpful hints:
It can seem very rigid and looks as though you HAVE to follow to a T. Don't worry, you don't, you can make it as fun or as boring as you'd like. It is all up to you. Sometimes instead of working in the workbook, I just use the problems from it and we play "Feltboard Baseball". I use a felt board, some simple felt shapes for bases, the kids pick which felt animal they want to be and then we have ourselves a game! I ask a question from the workbook if they get it right (they get three tries, like 3 strikes) and depending on the complexity of the question they either run to 1st base, "hit" a double and sometimes as homerun. They seem to like this game.

Review left May 17, 2009

Time: 5 years

My daughter completed 3rd grade Abeka math this year. She would have been in first grade, based upon her age, if she were in a conventional school rather than homeschool.

We love Abeka, especially for math. They present new concepts clearly and repeat and review offering many chances to grasp the new concept. Continued review is helpful so the student doesn't forget a skill as soon as a new one is introduced.

When concepts are clearly mastered, we have found it best to skip the monotony of the large number of review problems. If your student has problems with a concept, the number of review opportunities are a good thing. We have found Abeka a very good curriculum for gifted children also due to the way concepts are presented because you can be a couple of grade levels ahead of the child's age and still have a presentation that works for a varied maturity level audience. Abeka grade level three gave us the results at Sylvan Learning Centers in our testing of a grade level of 4.8. I would say that is a pretty good result!

Julie Jolma
Review left July 26, 2008

Time: 3 years

I am a homeschooling mom of 3

My oldest is quite bright student and loves the Abeka math. I will continue doing it. I have not tried any other programs for him but have looked through a lot. I do feel that Abeka teaches a well rounded math. At this point I would have to go up a grade level or two if I was to switch him to something now. As for my middle child, he as well likes math but doesn't catch on quite as easily. I will be trying out Abeka this year for him since I truly believe that it is the best math program out there and your child will score very high on the TCAP test. I know it is probably not for everyone but as for us we really do enjoy it.

Any other helpful hints:
If they are good at math, this is a really great curriculum. If they are a little slower then you may not want this because it does cover many things at a fast pace. It does seem to be ahead of public schools, though.

Amanda Townsend
Review left June 20, 2008

Time: 5 years

My daughter has used A Beka all along and is very quick at math. My son is an average math student who needs more time to master a concept.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:I'm writing this to help someone else avoid the struggle that I'm just figuring out. My daughter has done great in A Beka and I think its a wonderful, thorough curriclum that I will keep her in all the way through (although we've definitely skipped a lot of the review questions after she'd mastered a concept). However, it introduced new concepts WAY too fast for my son, who is not a bad math student, but average. (I used it for him for grades 1-2.) He'd be excited about math at the beginning of the year, then get more and more bogged down as they continued to move on before he was ready. (I found the same thing with Saxon 3 for him, by the way.) I am looking for a "mastery style" curriculum and am probably going to try MCP Math next year for him for 4th grade. So, I like A Beka, but it's not for every student.

A Beka introduces new concepts in almost every lesson, except when it pauses for some review pages. It also does a daily review of all the concepts previously learned, so you continue to improve at them. There is a significant increase in level of difficulty between 3rd grade and 4th grade. There is way too much drill, but just do what is necessary for your child. This curriculum moves quickly and is very challenging!

Kristen Barker
Review left June 11, 2008

Time: 2 years

After trying public and private, I decided homeschooling was the best for our family. In the private school, my oldest daughter used the Abeka for 1st grade and I just continued with it when I pulled both of them out to homeschool. My kids will be doing 3rd and 4th grade ABeka math next year.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
I love Abeka. It teaches them solid mathematic skills (especially at this level) and really drills it into them! If it gets too repetitious, we just skip that section for the day (or week!) or do only the evens or odds. I like the books because they are so colorful and teach the kids about other things beside math while they are doing math! For instance, in 2nd grade, there was a section called "Around the World" (I think) that focused each day on a country and tied the math problems to it. So each day we would look up the country on the globe first, then do the problems. Simple, but neat. This year I said to my oldest daughter who will be doing 4th grade Abeka starting in the fall, "Honey, I think I want to try another math curriculum" and she immediately said "No, I love my Abeka!" So there you have it, if the child likes the program and is excited about it (and is learning like crazy), why change. I also have to add that we supplement with Sunshine Math which is great for really getting them to think.

Any other helpful hints:
This curriculum won't be for those who have the attitude of "learn it and move on". It's constant reinforcement of math learned. You may have only 1 problem that deals with time or money, but again, it's constant reinforcement. I did like the teacher's mannuals. They basically told you exactly what to do each day, although I felt they went a little overboard with doing the same things each day, but I just skipped things from time to time such as "counting by 3s" or "oral addition problems". You can even find the expensive Teacher's Curriculum on Ebay for much less than buying it new. It's helpful because it gives cool ways to teach a new concept to your child. Although it's certainly not necessary at this level of math.

Lisa Porter
Review left June 2, 2008

Grade levels used: Abeka Math 2nd/3rd and Algebra 2

I started homeschooling my son in 2nd grade after having issues of him getting bored and restless in school. He had been in a private Preschool/Kindergarten that used Abeka. Then I moved him to a private christian school for 1st grade. They used Saxon Math which was the one subject that he excelled at and got easily bored with. I was not confident in my teaching skills when I first started so I got the Abeka DVD program but did not choose for the school to grade for me. I like the repetion since my son is now struggling on his multiplication/division. After last year my step daughter is now homeschooling and we are using the Abeka Algebra II textbook.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
Abeka Math 2 & 3: I like that they move through the concepts quickly in the front page but always repeat the previous concepts on the back page.
Abeka Algebra II: Sometimes I feel that it moves too fast through some of the concepts but we just slow down and work through them then speed up through ones that are easier for my daughter to grasp.

Any other helpful hints:
After working with my daughter's 10 grade and my son's 3rd grade subjects this year, I realize that Abeka really does build upon the year before. My daughter did not learn things in public school that she needed to know for her classes this year but I noticed that Abeka is teaching my son the early concepts of what she needed to know. Example: English- Sentence diagramming. My step-daughter was never taught in 9 years of public school how to diagram a sentence but by the end of 3rd grade my son will be taught how to diagram the subject and verb in a sentence. I figure next year they will expand the diagram for 4th grade.


Time: 3 years
Grade levels used: Preschool - 2nd

I have two children who have been doing abeka all the way from the beginning of pre-school 3 and now the oldest is in 2nd grade.

My kids can grasp the concepts very quickly but the repetition was a little too much for my older child who got quite bored. It depends on the learning style of your child. Are they a hands-on learner or can they just sit and memorize one fact after another. Each family will have their own

Any other helpful hints:
I liked the comments about using odd and even numbers only to cut down on time if the child has grasped the concept. If the child is more of a hands on learner and gets bored easily, you may want to teach it yourself instead of do the dvds so you can improvise, if necessary. Overall, this is a great curriculum.


Abeka vs. Saxon
Grade levels used: 1-4

Your situation:
I have homeschooled my daughter since 1st grade.
Was a public educator (5th -6th grade) for nine years. ABEKA is much better all around. I was taught in the time the American school system switched from problem solving to memorizing. It didn't matter if you really got what you where doing as long as you could do the processes you would pass. I teach know and say, "That's why you do that!" I want to make sure my child has a balance between the grind of memorizing facts and formulas and truly understanding and applying it for problem solving.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
I taught 5th/6th grade math in the public school system. I used saxon 5th and 6th grade math. At first, it was so much better than what I had been using and I thought it was an unbeatable series. After teaching it 3 years I realized there were some big problems with it. Watch out for the order in which they teach concepts. Also, the examples are not nearly as good as ABEKA. Another problem is that a child can get 90% and higher on their homework, but may be missing the same concept over and over. If you are teaching from Saxon, track the type of problems your child misses. I would have loved to teach out of ABEKA in my school setting; it would have been challenging for the faster kids, but it gives you enough problems that you can slow it down for others. Abeka has real life problems and mixes them up so that you have to apply what you have learned in various ways. Saxon seems to do the same word problems over and over and kids plug in the formula but really don't have to think. That's exactly why I won't ever use Saxon with my daughter.

Any other helpful hints:
See if your child can apply the concepts learned from the text in real life. I found out in the public school setting that kids were not learning problem solving skills. They did a lot of problems, but could not apply them outside the text. Abeka users a sure way of telling if your kids are "understanding" fractions have them do manipulatives and make pictures. My daughter who is a very good math student could apply the processes to fractions and had the rules memorized, but when I told her to draw a picture of a mixed number that was her answer she could not do it. She could convert and make them equal but when she was able to draw it I knew she truly got it. The math problems in Abeka will point out your childs complete understanding, too.


Time: 6 years

I have been homeschooling for 6 years. My oldest daughter is entering 6th grade. The youngest is entering 2nd grade. Abeka is the only math curriculum that we have used. Saxon has had the reputation for many years of being the best currciulum for math. So I was thinking of switching my oldest daughter to 6th grade.

I am not going to changed from Abeka. For our family, it is the best curriculum. The concepts move quickly enough to prevent boredom. Yet, the repetition is of concepts reinforces learned concepts. I think the concept of repetition of many concepts on a page is also beneficial for a student who may not have fully grasped a concepts. The student can find success somewhere on the page. There is no way we are switching to Saxon, at this point. After reading reviews, I am inclined to think that switching would not be a positive move. The Abeka has too many strong points for our family. The spiral approach, the advanced pace and daily review are all positive factors. I would recommend it to anyone.


Time: 3rd to 6th and soon 7th

I have been doing the Abeka math since 3rd grade and I love it. I was a teacher of 3 and 6 grade and I now dedicate my self to homeschooling full time. The book is clear and the teachers book is a big help for those who get a little confused. My only problem is that it seems now most of the christian schools are switching over to Saxon. Soon my daughter will be in High School and I am thinking of a christian HS, I worry that when I put her in she will be thrown for a loop because of the change in math. So I think to avoid this I may homeschool all the way. Has anyone out there done the switch from Abeka to Saxon? If so how bad or good was it?

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
I have no problems with Abeka It is very good. My daughter is not the fastest learner but she seems to pick up the concept very well.

Any other helpful hints:
If you're homeschooling like me take the time to go over the lesson a day or two before teaching it this way you will be on the ball when questions come up.


Time: 1+

My kids used this curriculum in private school and loved it.

I love the spiral method that allows kids to review old concepts along with the new and the challenging, colorful worktext that keeps my kids interested. 3rd grade book has practice problems in the back. Scope and sequence is available on their site.

Doesn't have hands-on manipulatives but we incorporated our own from They have manipulative kits made for every math curriculum. Look under 'math'. If it moves fast, slow down. Go at your own pace. We homeschool, remember.


Time: since 2001 (till at least 2007)

I have three children. We have homeschooled one or more each year since then. Have always used ABEKA curriculum.

Why you liked/didn't like the book:
Abeka math is very thorough.The teacher's manual is GREAT! I feel that all the problems are covered thoroughly with much review. The only problem I have-- the way they do the checking of math problems in the older grades. It is not the way I was taught in public school. Just takes some getting used to. Would definitely recommend it. Currently have 2 children in a Christian school. They use Abeka math. I plan on using Abeka homeschool math curriculum for all three kids next year.

Any other helpful hints:
If you use, ABEKA math, start using it in K5 or first grade. My daughter changed Christian schools. The first school used another math curriculum and when she went to the new school in 4th grade--she struggled a short time with the checking methods until she was used to it again. So, start early and don't switch back and forth.

Jackie Finch

Grade: High school - Business Math

I am using the ABeka business math book this year in highschool.

I am very disappointed with the book because the concepts taught are very similar to the concepts taught in the 9th grade consumer math book (which I took last year). I was working on a problem before I wrote this review and pretty much had know idea what I was doing. Now, I enjoy math a great deal, but this book is the same style of all ABeka books - facts facts facts and that's it.

If you do get this book, I suggest getting the video course from Abeka as well. This will give you more than stark pages to learn from.


Time:9 years

From a Homeschooling mom for 10 years.
We love Abeka. Coming from another country, I was highly dissapointed in the American education system. I wanted more for my children, so began hoemschooling them. After researching and trying most other Arithmetic programs (including Saxon,) we settled on Abeka because it is the most rigorous, colorful, and well rounded. When the child knew the material well, we would only do "odd problems" because Abeka does tend to have so many per lesson. However, when the child was struggling or was right on leve, the many problems proved helpful in their learning Math. Highly recommend it, and will not use anything else.

If your child is stressed by too much work - then only do odd problems or even problems. We do not do any of the "green" problems as they are 'extra' practice. In the early years it is possible to start out with grade 1 and use that for two years, then move into grade 3, then grade 5. However, after grade 6 I would suggest sticking to it on a yearly basis with a new book each year -(don't skip grades after elementary.) Also, in the early years it is my recommendation that you follow the "curriculum" as laid out (we do it on our own, not through Abeka school) - but once you get to 7th grade, you no longer need the curriculum guides, just let the child do it on their own.

Teri Nine

Book: Mail School using DVDs
Grade: 2-3
Time:1 year

I used Abeka when I started homeschooling, and for my son it was perfect. He needs curriculum that is a little more advanced although maybe not a whole year. My daughter struggled because it was a little to far ahead for her in kindergarten and we had to slow down. I tried other curriculum and still prefer Abeka. The books are colorful and have a lot of repetition which I find very good for my daughter. For my son, we just move on when he has mastered the material instead of doing all the work for that paticular teaching. It is also very easy to teach from, making my job easier!

Jennifer Neidhart

Book: Mail School using DVDs
Grade: 12th

Although it seems to give a very well rounded education, it can be very challenging to follow all the rules and regulations regarding the nitty-gritty stuff. For example when you do something just as the book says to do it, you get a letter back in the mail that reverses what the instruction manual says. This has happened more then once.Upside: Seemingly well rounded curriculum
Downside: Too many rules to follow, then changes to keep track of
For me, there are just too many little rules that need to be followed; I will not be using this curriculum again.


Book: High School Algebra and GeometryGrade levels used: 8-12
Time:Teacher - mid 90s

I taught the ABeka math curriculum for 4 years. I was very disappointed and frustrated with it. It did not spend sufficient time teaching how to handle word problems and setting up equations, and it didn't teach graphing really at all - both are very important concepts in advanced mathematics. The Geometry Book failed to teach anything about 3rd dimension Geometry and I felt did a poor job of teaching proofs.

I saw my advanced students year after year doing poorly on their SAT's because they had never seen the material that was on these tests - I did my best to fill in gaps the second year, and they were grateful.

Rachel R.

Grade levels used: 3 and 4
Time: 2 years

We did ABeka 3rd grade math and used a saxon 54 book to supplement. My daughter did great. The problems were more difficult in the ABeka math but the Saxon had more geometry so we used that as an additional source. It also covered elapsed time. We are going ito the ABeka 4th grade but we cont. to supplement with ABeka 65 and speed drills from ABeka. Saxon was lacking in converting measurement type problems. We feel the ABeka makes you think for yourself a little more and gives you better formulas to follow.


Grade levels used: 3rd

I used ABeka 3 with my 3rd grader who had learned nil in public school K-2 math. I thought ABeka 3 was excellent and easy to use for a first-time homeschooler. It is very rigorous and really reviews & builds on the math concepts. It also comes with an easy to follow teacher's guide and math fact drill workbook. Compared to the public school math curriculum, ABeka3 taught more material more quickly and more thoroughly. Oral math was also emphasized. After completing ABeka 3, my daughter went back to school (Montessori!) in 4th grade and straight into Saxon 65 with NO problems (except she found Saxon's format BORING!). I REALLY recommend ABeka 3 for homeschoolers who want something simple to use that gets SUPERB results.

Grade levels used: 2nd and 3rd
Edition: Fourth

ABeka Arithmetic is VERY repetitive, which is great for the child that needs extra help, but if your child is bright it is just tedious and ends up boring the child. There are often 20-30 multiplication and division problems in each lesson, on top of other types of math problems, which gets to be very mundane after the child has already mastered it. Even our homeschool association says that ABEKA is a bit much.

Dawnmarie Rose

Reviews of Abeka Arithmetic (A Beka) curriculum from Homeschool Math (2024)


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