Slightly Smoky Mixed-Bean Chili Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Make Ahead

by: creamtea



8 Ratings

  • Prep time 30 minutes
  • Cook time 2 hours 45 minutes
  • Serves 6 to 8

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Author Notes

Quite simply, this is the dish my children request most frequently.
This chili was based originally on a recipe from a Sunset Magazine Vegetarian Cookbook for Layered Chili. At the time, 3 cans of prepared beans were adequate for my small family. Later on, I encountered Deborah Madison's version for Black Bean chili, which called for toasting spices and whole dried peppers and grinding them to lift the flavor. Being rather lazy, I simplified those instructions quite a bit, simply adding my blend of spices to the sizzling mix of onions and garlic already in the pan. As my family grew, I added more cans of beans to the preparation, till the cost in terms of cash outlay and the effort of opening 8 or 9 cans in the rush to get dinner on before the school bus arrived (as I said, I'm lazy) outweighed the flavor benefit. So I experimented with the more lazy, leisurely approach of soaking and cooking a mix of dried beans--big pillowy kidneys, black turtle, small Adukis, pictorial Anasazis and pintos. It is I suppose more effort, but can be done in stages. I don't bother soaking overnight, a few hours will do. Don't skip the yummy garnishes. They freshen up the flavor of this rich stew. Serve with: rice; guacamole; yogurt; sliced scallions; shredded cheddar; lime wedges; salsa; shredded lettuce. —creamtea

Test Kitchen Notes

WHO: Creamtea is a longtime Food52er who loves the movie Babette's Feast. She lives in New York.
WHAT: A deep, complex chili that's wonderfully hands-off.
HOW: Cook your beans (whichever you've got!). Sauté your onion and garlic, add your beans, tomatoes, orange, and spices, and simmer for around a half hour.
WHY WE LOVE IT: We love how creamtea's recipe calls for whatever beans you have around; it makes it easy to throw together whenever the mood strikes. The orange provides that hit of acid that chili needs, and the combination of herbs and spices gives it a complex smokiness. Plus, it's vegetarian (and, depending on your garnish, vegan)! —The Editors

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • For the beans
  • 5 cupsassorted dried beans, such as Anasazi, pinto, black, adzuki, pink and red, sorted and rinsed well, soaked in ample salted water for 3 or 4 hours or overnight
  • 1 small whole onion
  • 3 fresh bay leaves, twisted along their spines to crack them slightly
  • For the chili
  • 1 large (or 3 small) Spanish onion, chopped
  • 4 tablespoonsolive oil
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoonplus 1 teaspoon ground chili, or to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoonchipotle chili powder, or to taste
  • 1 teaspoonground cumin
  • 1 teaspooncumin seeds, lightly toasted and then pounded in a mortar and pestle
  • 1 tablespoondried oregano
  • 1 large can fire-roasted tomatoes. (I use Muir Glen). Otherwise, you could use whole, diced, or petite-diced, according to your preference
  • 1/2 naval orange, skin and pith removed, coarsely chopped
  • 1 teaspoonsalt or to taste
  • Rice as an accompaniment (see my brown-rice pilaf within my recipe for Sephardic Megedarra -- if you start it at the same time you saute the aromatics here, it will be done just about when the chili is done)
  • Guacamole (see my recipe for Plain and Simple Guacamole and maybe increase by 1 avocado + extra lime juice and garlic)
  • Plain or goat's milk yogurt
  • Sliced scallions or minced white onions
  • Shredded cheddar
  • Fresh mild goat cheese, crumbled
  • Lemon or lime wedges
  • Refrigerated-type salsa (or homemade: chopped tomatoes, fresh jalapeno, seeded & minced, diced onion, minced garlic and a squeeze of lime)
  • Chopped fresh tomatoes (optional)
  • Shredded iceberg lettuce (optional)
  1. For the beans
  2. Drain beans of their soaking liquid and place in a large kettle with whole onion, and bay leaf. Fill pot with fresh filtered water to more than cover the beans—1 to 2 inches above the surface of the beans should do. Season cooking water with salt—enough that you can taste it. Bring the water gently to the boil, stirring occasionally. When water boils, turn heat to medium low and simmer beans until tender, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Older beans will take longer. You will probably have to top off the beans with more water as they cook. You can remove a few beans from the pot and cut through the center with a sharp knife to test for doneness.
  1. For the chili
  2. In a heavy-bottomed pan, sauté onions until slightly softened; make an opening in the sautéing onions and add a little more oil and the minced garlic, allowing it to sizzle a bit before stirring into the onions. Sauté mixture until onions are translucent. Quickly add the spices and herbs and stir once or twice into the onion mix to bring out the fragrance then remove from heat before they scorch. Add to the pot of beans along with the canned tomatoes (squeeze over the pot to break them up before adding if they are whole), and orange pieces. Simmer mixture for 1/2 hour or so until flavors blend. Taste for salt and seasoning and adjust. May be made a day ahead for best flavor.
  3. Serve over rice with choice of garnishes: guacamole, yogurt, scallions, minced onions, shredded cheddar or creamy goat cheese, lemon or lime wedges, chopped tomatoes and lettuce.


  • Chili
  • American
  • Bean
  • Goat Cheese
  • Green Onion/Scallion
  • Lettuce
  • Make Ahead
  • One-Pot Wonders
  • Serves a Crowd
  • Slow Cooker
  • Fall
  • Winter
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52 Reviews

Miruna.P.Burk September 26, 2020

This is a new family favorite. Kid and grown ups all loved it. We are looking for more veg recipes and this was satisfying. My daughter loved it. My husband felt sated and we all look forward to making it again.

creamtea September 26, 2020

Hi Miruna: I'm so glad to hear your family liked my recipe. Thank you for trying!

KarenP December 31, 2017

Wondering if butternut squash would be a good addition?

creamtea January 1, 2018

Sure, it's worth a try!

KarenP January 2, 2018

Served it on top of roasted cubed butternut squash. Delicious!

creamtea January 2, 2018

Thanks for the feedback--what a nice alternative to rice! I like this idea.

Kathleen November 2, 2017

Are you able to adapt this recipe to an Instant Pot?

creamtea November 2, 2017

Hi Kathleen. I'm the originator of this recipe. Although I personaly don't have an instapot, I think you could adapt it per the manufacturer's directions. I have used a pressure cooker for the preliminary cooking of beans. If the instruction manual tells you how to cook beans in your instapot then by all means. Once they are pre-cooked in water as in the first part of the recipe, you can add the seasonings per part 2.

Kathleen November 2, 2017

Thank you so much! I’ll give it a try. The recipe sounds fantastic.

Claudia October 29, 2017

This recipe is absolutely phenomenal. I made it for dinner tonight, and oh my, I don't think there is any other chili recipe that will ever be able to top this. I do have to admit that I added 1 1/2 tsp of cocoa powder, but other than that, I followed the instructions religiously. What a gem of a recipe.

creamtea October 29, 2017

Thank you so much for your comments, Claudia! Cocoa powder is a fine addition! Thanks for trying.

Jennifer N. April 17, 2017

Just a warning not to use Indian chili powder. Yogurt will be a welcoming cooling agent and I love spice! Thanks for a great recipe. I used adzuki, black and black eyed. Added a bit of kale to use up and butternut sqaush. Yum!

eveross May 27, 2015

Excellent! I added a bit of chili in adobo sauce, and it was excellent! Thank you!

creamtea May 27, 2015

I will try that! Sounds like a great addition.

Denise February 26, 2014

Made this last night, with the addition of 2 red bell peppers and one jalapeno. Excellent. Thanks!

creamtea February 26, 2014

I'm glad you enjoyed it, danisse.

ceeteebee February 7, 2014

By large can of the fire-roasted tomatoes, do you mean a 28 oz can? (Just wanted to make sure before I start cooking).

creamtea February 26, 2014

Yes, ceeteebee, 28 oz. can.

Laurenzim February 7, 2014

I have been making vegetarian style chili for years now and this one is my absolute favorite!! I could eat it for every meal!! The only change I made was using chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (chopped) instead of the chipotle chili powder since I did not have it. CONGRATS & THANKS!!!!!! ;)

creamtea February 26, 2014

Thank you so much, Laurenzim! I too sometimes use canned chipotles in adobo. Appreciate your pointing out that possibility.

Pegeen February 1, 2014

This sounds so delicious! And congratulations!

creamtea February 2, 2014

Thanks, Pegeen!

Fiona D. January 30, 2014

Do you drain the beans from their cooking liquor after boiling and before adding the onion/ tomato mixture? Thank you!

creamtea January 30, 2014

Fiona, I usually don't have a lot of liquid left after cooking the beans, so I have never drained them. (As I cook them the water level lowers relative to the beans so I add hot water as needed). I like them ever-so-slighty soupy. There will be plenty left over for the next night, by which time all will have thickened up.

Emily January 29, 2014

I'm just curious what the orange adds to the flavor… tanginess? Zestiness? It's an interesting ingredient for chili and I'd love to know why you chose to use it.

creamtea January 29, 2014

Hi Emily. The idea came from Molly Katzen's black bean soup. I'd been making this chili for years and over time changed things, adding in roasted tomatoes, sometimes using chipotle chili (canned, powdered, whatever was on hand). One day I recalled my first taste of the Black Bean Soup from the Moosewood Cookbook. It was delicious, almost beefy, and one of the "sescret ingreds." was orange. It adds a little sweet, a little tart, and some fruitiness. You can also make it without the orange. We often serve the chili with lemon or lime wedges, so I figured why not add a different citrus into the equation, simmered with the rest. N.B. I grew up with citrus trees in our backyard, so it's natural for me to add it to many different preparations.

Emily January 29, 2014

nice! I'm going to try adding that to my next chili! thanks for the recipe!

Roberta January 29, 2014

I love the recipes at this site, but where are the nutritional values? I really need to know before I cook.

creamtea January 29, 2014

Hi Roberta. This is my own personal recipe; I'm a home cook, so I'm afraid I don't know the nutritional values. I'll quote Merrill's previous quote from another thread addressing this question: "Our recipes come from home cooks, so we don't calculate nutritional info on our site (we believe in moderation and eating fresh, whole foods!). If you would like to calculate the info yourself, this thread may be helpful in figuring out how to go about it: "

creamtea January 29, 2014

Just wanted to add, thank you for your interest in my recipe.

Kukla January 28, 2014

Congratulations on the Wildcard Win!

creamtea January 28, 2014

Thank you Kukla. I'm so thrilled by this!

EmilyC January 28, 2014

This looks great and perfect for right now. Congrats on your WC!

creamtea January 28, 2014

Thank you, Emily!

inpatskitchen January 27, 2014

Congrats on the Wildcard Win!

creamtea January 28, 2014

Thank you!

rsimpson3 January 27, 2014

The beauty of Twitter: the timeline as time machine. I hope this comment thread isn't dead.
I love that it calls for basically whatever beans one has on hand (I nearly always have portions of black, pinto, garbanzo and cannellini in my freezer). Bean recipes are the one dish that I generally exclude from my personal rule of always following precisely the first time I make it. As long as I use the same color of bean called for, I don't feel like I'm disrespecting the author.

Using fire roasted tomatoes sounds like a great idea!

creamtea January 27, 2014

nope, rsimpson3, very much alive. Use what you have, no disrespect taken.

Allison L. March 10, 2013

Can you soak the beans overnight and then cook the in a crock pot with the onion/tomato mixture?

creamtea March 10, 2013

I'd try it, why not? As long as you saute the onion and garlic mixture first before piling it into the pot.

Allison L. March 22, 2013

Tried this yesterday and they were great! But for the crock pot, halve the recipe, as 5 cups is a lot of beans. My kids got the leftovers out of the fridge after dinner & ate them right out of the tupperware, with additional cheese & sour cream.

creamtea April 7, 2013

Glad it worked out in the crockpot!

Joy H. October 30, 2012

Do all the beans get done at the same time if you're cooking different sizes?

creamtea December 23, 2012

Yes, it works! Sorry I didn't see your post before.

creamtea March 3, 2013

although as always it is best to buy from a source with quick turnover; old beans will take longer.

tellmeaboutfood August 26, 2014

I found this to be a problem. 3/4 of the beans were done but the final bean type was still crunchy. I'll stick to one kind of bean in future!

Panfusine February 2, 2012

have to try this, sounds awesome!

creamtea February 14, 2012

I do hope you try it, Panfusine.

Slightly Smoky Mixed-Bean Chili Recipe on Food52 (2024)


What kind of beans are best for chili? ›

The best beans for chili are pinto, kidney, and black beans, like in this easy and tasty recipe. This 3-bean chili freezes great for meals later in the week. If you prefer thinner chili, add an extra can of tomato sauce. The green chiles are not hot and add a wonderful flavor, so don't be afraid to use them.

How do you add flavor to chili? ›

Cocoa powder, bacon, cinnamon, ground coffee and tomato paste will all add a rich sweet & salty flavors that are sure to surprise and delight. Warming spice blends, like Garam Masala, Ras el Hanout or Baharat are another simple and delicious way to add layered flavors to this simple one-pot meal.

What gives chili a tangy taste? ›

Tomatoes are a prime ingredient in chili, whether you use tomato soup, tomato sauce, or stewed tomatoes as your base. Tomatoes are generally more on the acidic side of the pH scale than neutral or basic, often with a pH of around 4.6, although some varieties are more acidic than others (via Pick Your Own).

What is chili with beans called? ›

Prepared as a quick and easy feast for ranchers and cattle drivers to make out on the range, the base of the recipe is classic chili con carne, Spanish for chilies with meat. Many are quick to point out that if beans were meant to be in chili it would have been called chili con frijoles.

What kind of beans are in mixed chili beans? ›

We've decided to mix it up and combine two chili faves in one can: kidney and pinto beans slow-simmered in a mild sauce of garlic, onion and spices.

Do you drain chili beans when making chili? ›

Too much liquid will thin your chili

The same holds true for using canned beans in chili. According to Taste of Home, you should typically drain canned beans before adding them to your pot of chili. All that liquid can seriously water the chili down, diluting all its flavors.

What is the secret to really good chili? ›

Cook it long enough

Chili recipes need time for flavors to meld and come together, and collagen-rich meat (like chuck roast or ground beef) needs 90 minutes to two hours to fully break down and become tender. If you don't have time for a long simmer, try using a slow cooker or making it the day before.

What is the most important spice in chili? ›

Most Common Chili Spices. Cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika are the most common spices in chili followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves. These ingredients can be combined to create a savory and well-balanced pot of top notch comfort food.

Why do people put vinegar in chili? ›

Acids enhance the salty, umami-rich flavors already present in chili, and round out the sweetness, adding intricacy to the dish. Apple cider vinegar is versatile with a light, fruity flavor, but red wine and balsamic vinegar are both good choices for heavier chilis that need something bolder.

Should I put honey in my chili? ›

The sweet taste offsets some of the spice. I was reluctant to make this because I thought the combination of cinnamon and honey would be bad but it was outstanding. My family has asked me to make this again but to turn up the heat. Excellent chili recipe.

Why does my chili have no flavor? ›

Change up the beans. Use black beans, pintos, or a combination of beans to give more flavor. Cook the chili! If you don't cook it long enough (or put in a pressure cooker to speed up the process), it won't taste quite right.

Why do some people not put beans in chili? ›

No-beans side argue that beans distract your mouth from the beef and spices that chili is supposed to showcase. Texans in particular are likely to reject beans; in fact, the no-bean version is often referred to as Texas chili.

What part of the country does not put beans in chili? ›

“If you know beans about chili, you know that chili has no beans!” thundered Wick Fowler, journalist and chili fan from Texas, the state that made (beanless) chili its official state dish in 1977.

When should you add beans to chili? ›

You know the saying, “save the best for last?” To keep your beans nice and plump, add them about 20 minutes before you finish cooking. This will give them plenty of time to impart that perfectly seasoned chili flavor to your recipe without overcooking.

Are pinto or kidney beans better in chili? ›

According to Southern Living, kidney beans are probably the best chili option because they are large and can hold their own, texture-wise, alongside other chili ingredients such as diced tomatoes or other vegetables. Black and pinto beans, which are also substantial, are also good choices, according to the outlet.

What beans go in chili besides kidney? ›

Best Kidney Bean Substitutes by Common Use

Black beans, garbanzo beans, and cannellini beans will work best in chili and soups where you want the firm texture of a bean. If you do not mind the beans breaking down a bit, pinto beans will also work well.

Are light or dark red kidney beans good for chili? ›

Dark red kidney beans are used in soups, cold bean salads, and chili. Light Red Kidney Beans are large, kidney-shaped beans with light red/pink glossy skin. They have a firm texture, and they hold up well in soups or other dishes that cook for a long time.

Does Gordon Ramsay put beans in chili? ›

Gordon Ramsay's recipe for chili con carne includes onion, a red chili pepper, fresh tomatoes, and kidney beans. Ramsay's chili recipe is lengthy — it includes everything from ground cumin and sweet paprika to a cinnamon stick, ground beef or beef mince, and garlic.


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.